For those of you who know us, you know that we enjoy traveling and everything it brings to the table. We’ve been getting asked a lot about how we can afford it on a fairly tight budget, so we wanted to share a little bit about how we manage it.

For those of you who don’t know us, you might be wondering why we love traveling so much and choose to continue doing it, even though it means less money in our pockets when you look at our bank statements month-to-month. Sometimes we cut things closer than others might be comfortable with, but it works for us. I think having these little adventures to look forward to plays a big role in keeping us sane, happy, and motivated.

1) Who We Are
We’re Chelsea and Lake Moye. We love traveling and seeing new places with our son River (and with our extended family whenever we can), but even more than that we enjoy spending time together as parents exploring our beautiful home state of Alabama whenever we can. (This trip we’re driving through Alabama on our way to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.) With working as a Waitr delivery driver, we have been able to explore more of our state—particularly our home base in Baldwin County—than ever before, while also still being able to make time for my work as an indie author and quality family time like this weeklong vacation in Tennessee.

2) What We’ve Done
We love to travel as a couple, with our son, and with our extended family whenever possible, and we try to incorporate a little something for everyone in our vacation activities. It’s important to us that everyone in our travel party has something fun to look forward to at our destination. Whether it’s just chilling at the cabin we’ve rented, seeing some of our favorite bands in concert, or trying our hand at things like snorkeling and riding roller coasters, we want everyone in our group to enjoy their vacation experience. Some trips look very different from others for us, but we always do our best to have a good time.

3) Why We Love Traveling So Much
You might be wondering why we enjoy traveling so much and make a point to do it even though our budget gets pretty tight from time to time. We put a lot of thought into what motivates us to keep pushing through. We love traveling because it gets us out of our day-to-day routine and allows us to explore new places. For us, one reason is that there’s always something new to explore and learn from. There’s something exciting about getting in your car or getting on an cruise ship and going somewhere you’ve never been before. You only get one life to live, and we believe in enjoying it to the fullest, even if that means we don’t have a lot of money in the bank at the end of the day. One of the best parts about traveling is that you’ll always have an adventure to look forward to and be thankful for. That’s why we make it a point to take vacations every year and sometimes even multiple times in one year! Traveling also helps with our family bonding by creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Being able to explore new places, meet new people, and have something to look forward to makes our lives complete. As soon as we’re able to afford it, we plan our next trip and explore different ways of how we can make it happen. Sometimes life gets in the way and prevents us from traveling as much as we’d like, but that’s never going to stop us from doing what we love.

4) How Flexible Work Allows Us To Afford Travel Trips
While it can sometimes get expensive, keeping an eye out for good deals on rentals or hotels combined with driving for Waitr has given us plenty of flexibility, so we can take trips even when money is tight. It’s important to us to have something to look forward to and help motivate us. We could not be more grateful that driving for Waitr has afforded us the flexibility to keep traveling on a regular basis.

We can work as many shifts as we need to work to cover the costs of the travel deals Lake finds. We can work as much as we need to in order to accumulate spending money for the trips we plan. We can cash out our money within 24 hours of working as shift if we need to. My favorite thing about working for Waitr is that I don’t have to set or stick to a pre-made schedule if I don’t feel like it. Even better than that, I don’t have to request time off if Lake finds a good last-minute travel deal. One of the best things about driving for Waitr is that we can take time off for any road trips with no notice. We can just pack up and go without having to beg a boss for vacation days. We get to decide what days are work days and what days are vacation days. That kind of freedom is absolutely priceless to me.

I’ll be back throughout our vacation to share reviews of the things we do. If you think that working as a delivery driver for Waitr might be for you, too, you can apply HERE and use my referral code—2512320064—(be sure you enter the numbers only, no dashes), to tell them who sent you!