We decided to come to Mobile with our friends Tori and Luke for a fun day out. We went to the flea market (my very first experience at one), and I loved it. Can’t wait to go back. There’s so much cool stuff you wouldn’t see at a regular store. I especially loved a lot of the antique costume jewelry. It has so much personality! I also saw several brooches that I would love to incorporate into pieces of art, somehow.

After we grab lunch, we’re going to check out the King Tut exhibit at the History Museum of Mobile. Right now, though, I want to focus on Panini Pete’s. I love the Downtown Mobile location’s general aesthetic right off the bat.

I love this chandelier! It hangs above a table decorated with gangster movie art. The place has endless charm.

Enough about the looks of the place, though, right? What about the food? OH. MY. GOD.

I had the Beercheese Burger. It was to die for! Hands-down the best burger I’ve ever eaten in my life, despite the fact that I wish the patty had been a little more well done. (I know, I’m one of THOSE people, and it’s a personal preference. If you like your burgers medium well, you’ll love them here.)

Also, the fries are addictive! Love them.

I highly recommend Panini Pete’s if you’re looking for an excellent burger and the best fries you’ll ever eat.

What about the service? The wait staff is VERY attentive! They kept our drinks full, and checked at regular intervals to see if there was anything we needed. My only qualm is that I wish they asked us how we’d like our patties cooked while we were ordering. I tend to like my meat well done, but even so, the burger was DELICIOUS.

I highly recommend that you check out Panini Pete’s in Downtown Mobile when you get the chance!