Hey y’all! It’s been a hot minute since I last poured my thoughts into this digital space, and boy, have I missed it! Now, before y’all start grabbing your pitchforks and calling for my blogging retirement, let me just say, I’m genuinely sorry for disappearing on y’all as much as I have over the years. As always, life got a little (okay, a LOT, if we’re being honest) bonkers, but hey, I’m back, and I’m ready to dive in headfirst into sharing our journey as a neurodivergent family.

You see, it’s not just me who’s neurodivergent in this household; it’s my incredible husband and our incredible little dude, too. We’re a proud (not always, but working on battling stigmas every day) neurodivergent trio, wandering through life with a whole lot of quirks and a ton of love. But to be honest, balancing all the intricacies of daily life, our jobs, and school with our unique perspectives hasn’t always left much room for blogging. Well, that’s about to change, my friends!

As we gaze into the year 2024, I’m making a solemn promise to myself, my family, and all you amazing readers out there: I am committing to cultivating a blog habit that’ll make us all weak in the knees (in a good way, of course)! And trust me, it’ll be a hoot getting back on track.

Now, let’s not raise expectations too high – I’m still gonna be juggling all the usual life stuff that comes our way – meltdowns, cooking canned biscuits in the microwave experiments, spontaneous dance parties, and maybe even some unimaginable adventures. But no matter how small or big, rest assured, I’ll be scribbling down at least a sentence every day in 2024 to document our precious moments.

Why, you ask? Well, it’s simple. Life may throw us curveballs, but it also sprinkles genuine blessings on us every single day, and it’s high time I start counting ’em. My plan, my dear friends, is to turn this humble blog into a virtual vault of gratitude, capturing the tiny little sparks of joy that light up our lives.

So buckle up, folks! Get ready for a glimpse into the beautiful chaos and heartfelt tales of a neurodivergent family, right here on our cozy corner of the internet. Expect laughter, a few tears, and maybe even a dash of ridiculousness served with a large side of authenticity. Oh, and did I mention funny anecdotes? Yeah, we’ve got a few of those up our sleeves, too!

Thank you for sticking around, and for understanding that even the warmest, funniest, and most authentic folks can sometimes wander off the path during times of depression and burnout. But hey, I’m back, and I can’t wait to share this incredible journey with y’all. So hang tight, check back often, and let’s raise a glass to new beginnings and a whole truckload of gratefulness in 2024!

