Guys, this fundraiser is to help my AMAZING sister-in-law and my unborn niece Jaycee. During a recent ultrasound at 22 weeks gestation, they found that Jaycee has a sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT).

SCT is a type of tumor that forms at the base of the spine. SCT occurs entirely outside the body in type 1 and entirely inside the body in type 4. These tumors are usually benign, but some types of SCT can cause excessive stress on the heart, which can be life threatening to the fetus. It can also be potentially harmful to the mother if left unrecognized and unmonitored.

The closest hospital that specializes in treating cases like Jaycee’s is Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas, which is just under eight hours away from their home here in Alabama.

Any help you can give, even if it’s just sharing this GoFundMe on your socials, would be greatly appreciated!

Allison is one of the kindest and most giving people you could ever meet. More than that, she’s the sister I had to wait over 25 years to get, and she’s been a blessing in my life ever since Lake and I started dating back in 2015. I’d love it if we could all come together to bless Allison, Mitchell, Lillian, and Jaycee in their time of need.

The Good News

Allison and Mitchell are doing everything they can to get Jaybee the best possible care. Jaycee seems to have the best kind of SCT, a Type 1. They must travel to Houston for follow-up every four weeks. At roughly 30 weeks gestation, Allison will have to temporarily relocate to Houston, where she will have to stay until Jaycee is delivered by C-section. Jaycee then has to undergo surgery to remove her tumor. Her stay in Texas may last anywhere from 30 to 90 days.

The Bad News

The medical and travel expenses for getting Jaycee the best care we can get her are outrageous. Allison and Mitchell have a lot to worry about and adjust to during this process, which is why Allison’s friend Ferron set up this GoFundMe to help them out.

If you’re not able to donate, please share the GoFundMe on your socials to help get the word out and get this sweet family they help they need to bring Jaycee into the world safely and get her the surgery she needs after she is born.