Why I’m Stopping My Topamax

Today I wanted to take some time to talk to you about why I’ve made the decision to come off my daily migraine management medication, Topamax. Prior to my total thyroidectomy surgery back in January, the Topamax seemed to be working pretty well for managing my migraines with relatively few negative side effects (that I noticed).

However, since my thyroidectomy back in January, I’ve been experiencing some awful side effects, which I was chalking up to my thyroid levels not being quite right post-op… until I missed my Topamax the other day, and felt a remarkable difference. I felt so much better it was insane. That prompted me to look up the side effects for Topamax.

I was shocked to discover that I’ve been experiencing about 77% of these side effects since my thyroidectomy in January, and may have been experiencing some of them for even longer. However, it’s been much more noticeable since January. Over the next few weeks, I’m planning to do a series that explores how I experienced some of these side effects. However, I won’t discuss how I’ve experienced all of the ones I’ve experienced in detail because, frankly, some of them are embarrassing and they’re definitely TMI.

Still, keep your eyes peeled for posts about this in the coming weeks, and please check the side effects on your medications, guys. You never know when something that’s supposed to be helping you might have outlived its usefulness and may be doing more harm than good after major medical changes, etc.

I don’t know what we’re going to do about migraine management after I come off the Topamax, but I do know that I can’t wait to stop taking it because it no longer works like it did prior to my surgery, and now it feels more toxic than helpful to me.

The only things I can feel right now are bone-deep exhaustion and the crushing weight of all the things I desperately need to be doing but can’t do because this medication has robbed me of every ounce of energy my body had to offer.

We’ll talk more about these side effects soon.

Again, check the side effects for your medications if you’re not feeling right and/or not feeling like yourself.

Much love,

Chelsea Moye