I started this project before my son was born. I wanted to do a sort of digital scrapbook on our blog, on Instagram, on Facebook, on Tumblr, and in email, something like a big, digital patchwork quilt of images, stories, and messages I could leave behind for my son to let him know just how much we love him, how much he’s been treasured ever since before he was born. The only problem is it’s big, messy, and kind of a lot more amorphous than I expected it to be. It’s going to be an awful lot like a big, messy treasure hunt and a digital version of an overstuffed family photo album. But I want him to have these memories just the same.

I’m messy and a lot less organized than I’d like to be, that’s for sure. My poor kid is going to have some serious brain spaghetti on his hands when I pass these things on to him, but my hope is that he’s going to realize the truly important thing in all of this: that I love him and wanted to share things with him because he and his dad are the most important people in my whole universe.

I love that Google Photos made these awesome animated GIFs of photo bursts I’ve taken of him over the years, and that I can upload them to Tumblr and embed them on posts here so he can see them later. That makes my heart happy.

Recently, some lunatic reported the Instagram I’d been keeping for years, claiming that it was owned/being run by an actual five-year-old, which gave me rage issues. Any sane person who read the captions would realize that it was a mother’s chronicle of her child’s life and achievements, intended for him to look back on later, so now I’m trying to bounce back from that mess. It really upset me that someone would do that and cost me five years’ worth of posts and memories with my kiddo. It was unkind, and I don’t appreciate it. However, I will recover, and I’ve started a new one with the handle @rivermoye17.

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