So, I might be 32 years old, but I’m still kind of obsessed with Harry Potter, and my Hufflepuff pride is STRONG. I wanted a cute, inexpensive, and EASY Hufflepuff student costume for Halloween this year. This his how I made that happen.

What I Bought

  • Yellow Plaid Flannel Hoodie – $15
  • Harry Potter ™️ 5-Pack of Cloth Squares (Harry Potter, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw) – $8

What I Already Had On Hand

  • Black Mischief Managed Harry Potter ™️ Shirt
  • Black Elastic Hair Ties
  • Harry Potter ™️ Collectible Wand: Minerva McGonagall’s Wand
  • Stretchy Jeans (Black Leggings Would Also Work)

Here’s a quick, messy selfie of me in the costume after I first pulled it together, but there will be better/cuter pictures and how-tos below.

I wanted something that would be super fast and easy to pull together because I’m ADHD and my energy resources are super limited.

I’m tired 24/7. I have executive dysfunction issues out the wazoo. Therefore I need costume options that others might consider “lazy.” For me, it’s about conserving energy and still getting to do something cute and fun for Halloween.

So I set out to pull together a cute costume with a couple things I saw at Walmart that SCREAMED Hufflepuff energy to me, plus things I already had on hand.

All in all, this costume took me less than an hour and a half to pull together, including the shopping trip to pick up supplies.


  1. Coordinate the outfit & see how it looks together. I tried on the yellow and black plaid flannel hoodie shirt with my black Mischief Managed shirt, a pair of stretchy jeans, and black flats. Spoiler Alert: They looked SUPER cute together!
  2. Make a no-sew Hufflepuff headband from the Hufflepuff fat quarter that was in the Harry Potter 5-pack and a black elastic hair tie I already had on hand. I’ll do a detailed how-to post on that and link to it HERE as soon as I have it done!
  3. Grab a Harry Potter collectible wand like the one I already had on hand, OR make your own wand (but that would take longer)!

BOOM. There you go. A really chill, laid back, easygoing Hufflepuff student costume that was inexpensive and quick to pull together. I love it, and will probably wear it several times, if we’re being honest.

PICS! Here’s how it turned out…

*Pictures Coming Soon!*