We’re in the middle of the second week of River being in preschool, so I wanted to give those of you who are interested in how that’s going a quick update.

First of all, we love the preschool we chose. HUGE shout-out to Kinder-Kastle. They have been so patient and kind with River while he’s transitioning from being home 24/7 with family members to spending a pretty big chunk of his day at preschool.

It’s a big shift, structure-wise, and his teachers and the staff have done everything in their power to make the transition a smooth one.

He was understandably upset the first few days, but the teachers, staff, and other pre-k kids are making him feel welcome and at home.

Initially, we intended to ease him into it and only send him 3 days a week, but he’s doing so well and benefiting so much from the structure that we decided to go ahead and send him full-time. Kindergarten will be full-time, after all, and we don’t want to give him false hopes or expectations about school.

So, when his teacher and the staff told us they thought he’d benefit most from full-time, we decided to go for it and we’ve been really pleased with the results so far.

More updates on River’s adventures in preschool soon!

❤️ -The Moyes