As a part of getting our house baby-ready, I’m in the process of eliminating clutter and minimizing. I know it doesn’t sound like a huge deal, but that’s only true if you don’t know me. I’m a borderline hoarder because I attach way too much emotional importance to inanimate objects. As a result, I’ve held onto a lot of things that aren’t really doing anything in my life besides unnecessarily taking up space.

One way I’m ensuring that I eliminate clutter is through a group I joined on Facebook for the month of February (The Minimalist Game) curated by my friend Courtney. You get rid of a number of items equal to the number of the day of the month, for the entirety of the month. So, you get rid of one thing on the first, two things on the second, etc. Today, I chose to eliminate a piece of clothing that I’m never going to fit into again. The two items I choose to get rid of tomorrow will probably follow along those same lines, but we’ll see. At this rate, I’m hoping to have our spare room cleaned out enough that I can keep River’s changing table, dresser, etc. (except his bed because he’ll be sleeping in our room) in there.

More to come with the adventures in minimizing and eliminating clutter a little later on!